Interested in reading some of my work? Thanks so much! I'll keep this page updated with my publications and links to them, where applicable.
Blank Spaces - September 2022
I published a review of Steffy Tad-y's poetry collection"From the Shoreline". Get a copy here:
Blank Spaces - December 2021
Three of my poems were published in this edition: Cedar Canoe, Magnolia and I Think About the River. Get a copy here:
Blank Spaces - June 2021
I published an interview and review of Lily Wang's poetry collection "Saturn Peach". You can get a copy of the edition here:
The Sky in Essex is Not Like the Sky in Ontario
I wrote a poem about my experience moving from Ontario to the UK and the ways in which I found (dis)comfort along the way. Read it here:
Wild Easters - MA Wild Writing Blog
As co-editor of the University of Essex's blog for MA Wild Writing students, we published many articles about our coursework, field trips, and the wild writing landscape. Check them out here: